▶1週目 〜Cleaning verbs〜
To wash / To wipe / To mop / To rinse
To clean / To scrub / To sweep / To brush
To vacuum / To dust
▶2週目 〜Japanese words that we use in English〜
Samurai / Ninja / Sushi / Sashimi / Sake
Tsunami / Karaoke / Kabuki / Kimono / Teriyai
▶3週目 〜Cent〜(means 100!)
Cent / Centipede / Percent / Percentile / Centiliter / Centimeter / Centigram / Centenarian / Centigrade / Century
▶4週目 〜Features of a witch〜
Warts : イボ
Crooked Nose : 曲がった鼻
Green Skin : 緑の肌
Potions : 水薬
Black Magic : 黒魔術
Ugly : 醜い
Black Cat : 黒猫
Broomstick : 箒
Frizzy Hair : チリチリ頭
Cauldron : 大釜