Discussion Week 15 - Sunday the 16th, Tuesday the 18th, and Friday the 21st of July.

 - Discussion Week 15 -



- Tuesday the 18th and Friday the 21st of July -


- When does convenience become laziness 


 We've covered this topic before but I asked if you would like to return to it once again, and you all voted that you'd like to so here we are!


Points that make me wonder whether the Japanese are changing from wanting convenience to wanting to be lazy:

1. I have recently heard from a Tokyo resident that Kyoto's public transport is really inconvenient, as it doesn't go to enough places. Is the fact that you make need to use multiple kinds of public transport, or even walk a short distance from public transport really a form a of inconvenience? Or is this person just lazy?

2. The massive waiting line for escalators. People without problems concerning their legs/body, people without heavy luggage, and people who are not too old to climb stairs, will wait in a lone queue in order to use an escalator rather than the stairs right next to the escalator, is this really an issue of convenience, or are these people just lazy?

3. Check out Yodobashi Camera in front of Kyoto station, there's an up and a down escalator in front of the shop which is only 5 stairs worth of escalator, there are stairs and a ramp leading down to the entrance, yet people still wait in line to use the escalator, is this a convenience issue or just laziness?

4. Finally, I have heard from certain Japanese people that they live approximately 5 minutes walk away from a convenience store, but they find that they would prefer a closer convenience store, as they feel 5 minutes walk is inconvenient. Is this really a convenience issue or is it laziness?


Let's talk about that.



- Sunday the 16th of July -

- Natural Disaster Preparedness  


Since coming to Japan, I have experienced multiple small earthquakes. Each time I have experienced these earthquakes, I have noticed that the Japanese people around me don't really do anything, no panic, no hiding under tables, no running away.

Two years ago, the typhoon that hit around this time, was quite rough, and the Kamo river was rushing like crazy, I am a foreigner, and it was my first ever typhoon, so I went out to look at the river during the typhoon. I expected that I wouldn't see any other people walking around outside, but I say an unbelievable amount of Japanese people standing on Shijo bridge looking at the river while the typhoon raged on.


Do you think that the fact that Japanese people don't seem to panic when a natural disaster occurs, is what leads to deaths during these disasters?

Currently in Kyushu there's a big issue with flooding and water overflow, do you think some of the casualties of this are due to unpreparedness?


Let's talk about that.













水  10:00~21:00

木  10:00~19:00

金  13:00~19:00

土  10:00~17:00

日  11:00~13:00


定休日 毎週月曜日 




prospective teachers