- Discussion Week 10 -
- Friday the 9th AND Tuesday the 13th of June -
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- Paris Climate Pact -
Well, he's done it again right?
We've already had 2 Friday discussions about this guy, but we'll have to look at him for a third time.
Trump has decided that he was to pull the U.S.A. out of the Paris climate pact (which is a kind of treaty). It seems he think the pact is unfair and wants to "negotiate a better deal".
Unfortunately for him though, treaties aren't deals that you negotiate in the same way as a business deal.
What affect on the world do you think will happen thanks to this?
The other "world leaders" have decided that they will even more fiercely protect the climate in response, do you think it'll be enough?
Do you think someone like Trump can be taught that climate change isn't just a conspiracy created by the Chinese? (to change his mind?)
Here are some links:
Let's talk about that.
- Sunday the 11th of June -
- Human/Animal Experimentation -
We've talked about ethics multiple times in multiple different situations, but this one is a very commonly discussed and debated topic.
I'm combining both the animal and human halves of the coin and we'll see what you think about that, and whether you agree or disagree with these forms of experimentation.
Here are some links about animal and human experimentation:
Let's talk about that.