〜 Mark's English Storytelling 〜

〜 Mark's English Storytelling 〜



Hello everyone!

Sorry I am late writing my stories! I have been quite busy recently!


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I hope you enjoy this week's story! Please leave a comment if you have questions about any vocabulary or grammar!!

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- A normal reason.


My boss yelled at me through the phone, I had to react quickly to her question "Why didn't you come to work today?!!" - "It was my day off today" I said, I hoped she could understand my reason, and I waited while she thought about it. "Are you sure?" She asked, I quickly responded "Of course!", I could hear her looking through some paperwork, and she sighed..


"I'm sorry" my boss said, "I thought you were planned in to work today, but it was Mr. Johnson, I will call him instead". "Oh good, I'm glad I didn't get my schedule wrong" I replied, "See you tomorrow" I said, and hung up the phone. I put my phone down on the table and plugged the power-cable into it. 


My phone's battery was almost empty, so I had to charge it. I decided to wash the dishes from my cooking the previous day because they were dirty. While I washed the dishes; I listened to music because I think doing the dishes is very boring. I finished washing my dishes and started putting the clean dishes in my cupboard because my kitchen is very small, and there is not much space for my dishes. 


I realised that I had done so many things throughout the year, and wanted to look at some photos of the things I had done I also wrote a few lines about each thing in my diary throughout the year, so I started to review my diary while I looked at my photos.


I introduced myself to many new people, and learnt about where they live, what kinds of work they do, and what their favourite things are. I tried many new things and realised I can do many new things, and also that I like a lot of Japanese food. I turned the page to look at the next photos....













水  10:00~21:00

木  10:00~19:00

金  13:00~19:00

土  10:00~17:00

日  11:00~13:00


定休日 毎週月曜日 




prospective teachers