Discussion Week 35 - Friday the 8th, and Sunday the 10th

- Discussion Week 35 -


 - Friday the 8th of January

 - CHINA -

We're going to start off the year with a discussion that I know you can all easily talk about, we're going to discuss China. I've spoken with all of you last year about many different topics and sometimes China pops up during our discussions, and you all seem to have some interesting opinions.

So what's your opinion on the relationship between Japan and China as countries?

How about the relationship between Chinese people and Japanese people?

Do you have many good opinions on China/Chinese people in general? Or are most of your opinions bad?

What causes Japanese people and Chinese people to feel the way they do about each other?


Lets talk about that.


- Sunday the 10th of January

 - 2020 Olympic games - 

So, the Olympic games in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, are coming soon, and after that, Japan will have it's chance to show the world that it is able to host an event as amazing as every other country has hosted before it, or even possibly more amazing than ever before.

But is it even worth holding the event here?

It's going to cost a lot of money, and that money doesn't just 'appear', I'm sure some of your money will go towards the preparations.

I realise it'll bring in a lot of tourism for a short time, but, after the Olympic games are finished, will the stadiums and arenas turn into empty unused buildings just like so many of the previous Olympic stadiums before it have become?

What about all of your money that went towards making those stadiums?

There have even been protests against the hosting of the Olympic Games.


Lets talk about that.













水  10:00~21:00

木  10:00~19:00

金  12:00~19:00

土  10:00~17:00

日  11:00~13:00


定休日 毎週月曜日 


prospective teachers