Over the last few months, we have received some very useful feedback from numerous students regarding the movie lesson. Here are just a couple:
1. The sound quality is poor. (The original movie was made in 1959).
2. The vocabulary used in some of the movies are heavy on slang or specialised words that require a great deal of effort to explain and understand, but are either useless or too taboo to use.
For the month of November & December, we will try something new in the MOVIE class. We will be watching VIDEOS from YouTube. Each week, we will watch a new video that will be screened and vetted by the teachers for sound clarity and usefulness. Each video will be approximately 7-10 min. long, so we will have a chance to watch it 2-3 times per class as well as learn some new vocabulary.
If you haven't come to the MOVIE class recently, come on back and join us.
Mr. B