


隠れん語 7月4週目 〜Kinds of soap〜





今回のテーマは Kinds of soap 石鹸の種類 です。


Dishwashing Liquid : 食器用洗剤

Bar of Soap : 固形石鹸

Bodywash : ボディーソープ

Shampoo : シャンプー

Disinfectant : 消毒剤

Laundry Detergent : 洗濯洗剤

Hand Soap : ハンドソープ

Degreaser : 油とり洗浄剤

Dishwasher Soap : 食洗器用洗剤

Toilet Cleaner : トイレ用洗剤

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Nayamachi Summer Festival!

Thank you everyone for coming by! Our soft-shell tacos were very popular! I hope everyone had a good time;)

Please enjoy more pictures below from the night!

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Mark In New Zealand! Part 4!

There's a blog below the pictures with a story explaining everything in the pictures!

Please check it out! It's good English reading and vocabulary practice!

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隠れん語 7月3週目 〜Breeds of Cat〜

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Discussion week 17 - Friday the 5th and Sunday the 7th of August

 - Discussion Week 17 -


- Friday the 5th of August

 - UK has a new Prime Minister - 

On Wednesday the 13th of July, Theresa May was sworn in as Britain's new Prime Minister. She is the head of the conservative party, which was the party trying to keep the UK in the EU.


Furthermore, she is the first female Prime Minister since 1990. Do you think The United Kingdom will be able to steer it's way on to a good course after the major political decisions that have been made, and do you think their new Prime Minister is up to the task considering she was part of the Bremain group during the Brexit vote, and now she has to be the spearhead of the Brexit campaign.


Furthermore the new Prime Minister has opened herself to discussion with Scotland, about Scotland's EU proposals. Do you think that if Scotland leaves the United Kingdom it will be a big mistake for Scotland?


Do you think the EU will accept Scotland if they manage to separate from The United Kingdom?



What do you think is the best course of action for The UK now?


Let's talk about that.


- Sunday the 7th of August

 - The Emperor - 

At the beginning of this year, we talked about the Emperor of Japan, and whether having a royal family in any country is even worth having anymore.

At that time many of the students were in favor of having an Emperor.

It seems now though, that the Emperor of Japan may be getting ready for retirement, or in correct terms; he may want to abdicate. 

However, abdication hasn't happened in Japan since 1817.

Is it possible to even abdicate?

At the same time, there seems to be talk of the possibility of a female successor being acceptable.


What do you think about the Emperor?


Do you think it would be acceptable for there to be an Empress as successor to the throne of the Emperor?


Should the Emperor step down because of his age?


Let's talk about that.

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Mark In New Zealand! Part 3!

There's a blog below the pictures with a story explaining everything in the pictures!

Please check it out! It's good English reading and vocabulary practice!

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Discussion week 16 - Friday the 22nd and Sunday the 24th of July

 - Discussion Week 16 -


- Friday the 22nd of July

 - Vanishing Honeybees and Pesticides- 


Honeybees are needed all over the world for pollination of most plants. Without honeybees, the creatures of the world will surely perish.


But, people these days are overly scared of all kinds of bees, and upon finding a bee hive near their house, or near a park, their first idea is to kill all the bees, rather than rehouse them somewhere safe.

Furthermore, with the increased demand for food all over the world, more farmers need a better harvest in order to supply enough food, and as such use pesticides on their crops to keep the produce high. Many pesticides are also deadly to bees.

Places like china have had so many chemical pesticides used, that now in order for the farmers to grow -anything- in their soil, they need more chemicals in order to aid growth!


But, not only because of these reason, but also for other reasons, honeybees are dying very fast. If the honeybees are all gone, plants will no longer receive the pollination they require, and will die out, without those plants, many herbivores will die out, without herbivores to eat, the carnivores will die out. The cycle continues until most creatures on Earth will have died out.


Why are honeybees on Earth dying?

What can we do to prevent a cataclysmic event such as the extinction of honey bees?

Do we need to start farming with less pesticides?


Let's talk about that.


- Sunday the 24th of July

 - Gambling addiction in Japan vs. the rest of the world - 

Walk down any main street in Kyoto, and you'll see at least one pachinko parlour.

Go to any arcade(ゲームセンター) and you'll find medal-games for gambling in medals.

Even on Otesuji there are 2 page and noisy pachinko parlours, and if you go west from here, there are other giant, mega-pachinko centres that a multiple stories high!


Does Japan have a gambling problem?

Have you tried pachinko? If so, why? If you go regularly, have you ever made the money back that you spent?


If you compare the amount of pachinko/gambling places in Japan to places like Europe or New Zealand, I can tell you right now, that the amount of casinos are much much fewer than Japan has.


Why does Japan have -so many- places to gamble??



Lets talk about that.

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隠れん語 7月2週目 〜Breeds of Dog〜

今回のテーマは Breeds of Dog 犬の品種 です。


Bloodhound : ブラッドハウンド(ベルギー)

Greyhound : グレイハウンド(イギリス)

Bullmastiff : ブルマスティフ(イギリス)

Chihuahua : チワワ(メキシコ)

Cocker Spaniel : コッカースパニエル(アメリカ)

Huntaway : ハンタウェイ(ニュージーランド)

Scottish Terrier : スコティシュ・テリア(スコットランド)

Malamute : マラミュート(アラスカ[米])

Newfoundland : ニューファンドランド(カナダ)

Rottweiler : ロットワイラー(ドイツ)



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  2日(火) 20:00 初中級JP

 16日(火) 20:00 初中級JP










隠れん語 6月4週目 〜Saltwater/Ocean fish〜




今回のテーマは Saltwater/Ocean fish 海の魚 です。ライオンや馬など動物の名前がついているのがおもしろいですね。


Blue Marlin : カジキマグロ / Snapper : 鯛 / Saury : 秋刀魚 / Sardine : 鰯 / Clownfish : カクレクマノミ / Lionfish : ミノカサゴ / Gurnard : ホウボウ / Anglerfish : チョウチンアンコウ / Blowfish : フグ / Horse Mackerel : アジ

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Mark In New Zealand! Part 1!

There's a blog below the pictures with a story explaining everything in the pictures!

Please check it out! It's good English reading and vocabulary practice!

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隠れん語 6月3週目 〜The Beach〜


テーマは The Beach です!!

皆様はビーチと聞くと何を思い浮かべますか?今回の隠れん語の中に Fishing があるのに少し違和感を感じられた方もいらっしゃるのでは!?日本で海釣りといえば、防波堤や岩場、または船を出して...と思いますが、海外ではSurfcastingやBeachcastingといってビーチからの釣りがポピュラーな所もあります。ビーチから大きな鯛が釣れたりするんですよ!!Amazing✨


Tide : 潮流 / Jet Ski : ジェットスキー / Snorkel : シュノーケル / Parasol : パラソル / Sand Castle : 砂の城 / Beachball : ビーチボール / Surfboard : サーフボード / Sun block : 日焼け止め / Sunglasses : サングラス / Fishing : 釣り 

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Karaoke Night!

Thank you everyone who joined in the Karaoke Night! We had a great time;)


More pictures below ↓

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Discussion week 12 - Friday the 24th and Sunday the 26th of June

 - Discussion Week 12 -


- Friday the 24th of June

 - Criminals and Media Coverage of Major Crimes - 

As you may know, recently there was another few terrorist attacks in different parts of the world, such as the shooting in the American gay-bar, or the stabbing of a police officer and his wife in France. These are terrible crimes, and the criminals were both killed in these attacks. But was the media coverage of these crimes really such a good idea? 

The criminals in both of these cases did this to make a statement to the world, they both expected to die after doing these horrible crimes, and thanks to the media coverage, everyone knows who the criminals were, and what they did, their motivation, and their loyalties.

This is exactly what they wanted. They wanted everyone in the world to see this, to feel some kind of fear that this could happen again.

Should major media really send this out all over the world, should it be major news?


Just for clarification, this does not mean the victims of these crimes should not be focused on, but rather that the criminal should not show up in media.


Let's talk about that.


- Sunday the 26th of June

 - Video Game Violence - 

So, these days, when something violent happens, there are often a lot of different reasons or possible motives.

One big one that has come up multiple times, is that violent video games have a big impact on children/young people, and that they are able to cause young people to want to be violent in real life.


Do you think this is true? Why, Why not?


Why do you think this has been attributed to video games, when there have been violent movies for longer than there have been violent video games?


Also, almost every country has the same violent video games as every other, so why do you think that the rate of violent crimes isn't as high in some countries, even though these video games are available?


Do you think those who do violent and terrible things are always going to be that way, even if they are not exposed to such mediums as video games or movies?


Lets talk about that.

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隠れん語 6月2週目 〜Insects〜




今回のテーマは Insects 昆虫 です。


今、子供の虫かごは毎日Wood louseやEarthwormでいっぱいです💦


Dragonfly : トンボ / Beetle : カブトムシ / Firefly : ホタル / Centipede : ムカデ / Ladybug : テントウムシ / Butterfly : チョウ / Praying Mantis : カマキリ / Mosquito : 蚊 / Honeybee : ミツバチ / Cicada : セミ

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------------ 夏季休暇のお知らせ -------------




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English Songs Only!! 先生と一緒にカラオケ行きましょう♪


日時: 6月18日(土)19:3021:30

場所: 河原町スーパージャンカラ

参加費 : \3500(部屋代・飲み放題・おつまみ代・税込み)  


定員: 15(1名の講師につき5名予定)




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Discussion week 11 - Friday the 17th and Sunday the 19th of June

 - Discussion Week 11 -


- Friday the 17th of June

 - Job Hunting - 

So apparently, job hunting in Japan is very difficult, and many young people have a difficult time when searching for jobs or trying to get into a field in which they wish to work, or in which they studied for.


Why is it so difficult to get a good job in Japan?

How many people are able to keep the same job for the rest of their lives in Japan?

Is there a job-hopping culture in Japan?

How many people stay home and continue their family's business? Is that common?

Is there a gender bias when job hunting?


Let's talk about that.


- Sunday the 19th of June

 - Sexual Harassment in Japan - 

It seems that sexual harassment and perverts in Japan is a big problem.


It's in the very least, bad enough that if you buy a device with a camera function, you are unable to disable the shutter sound, so if you take a photo people will definitely hear it.  

Also, in trains there are notices to remind everyone that sexual assault/molestation is a crime! In other countries we don't need to be reminded of that. 


What has caused this kind of harassment culture to exist in Japan?

Are all of these warnings and preventative measures excessive, or are they justified?

Is it worse in workplaces, or in public?

Why does this seem to exist more in Japan than in other countries?


Lets talk about that.

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隠れん語 6月1週目 〜Precious Metals〜




前回のPrecious Stonesに引続き今回はPrecious Metals 貴金属です。

Metalsとの違いですが、鉄(=Base Metal)などとは違い、希少な金属を指すそうです。



Gold : 金 / Silver : 銀 / Platinum : プラチナ / Osmium : オスリウム / Palladium : パラジウム / Rhodium : ロジウム / Bismuth : ビスマス / Gallium : ガリウム / Mercury : 水銀 / Beryllium : ベリリウム

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Discussion week 10 - Friday the 10th and Sunday the 12th of June

 - Discussion Week 10 -


- Friday the 10th of June

 - Veterans in Japan - 

How does Japan treat it's war veterans?


The U.S.A. has a lot of problems with war veterans becoming unemployed, homeless, depressed, and even committing suicide because they can't easily get the help they need after being in real war situations.


Did Japan have any issues with war veterans after WW2?

I know Japan hasn't participated in war for many years now, however.


Are there any surviving war veterans in Japan?

How do the general public of Japan view Japanese WW2 veterans?


Let's talk about that.


- Sunday the 12th of June

 - Mental Disabilities in Japan - 

What do Japanese people do with their mentally disabled citizens?


In many countries, there are many different ways people treat their mentally disabled citizens. I the past there were many barbaric ways in which people thought they could cure certain mental illnesses, such as electric shocks and lobotomies.


In some countries now people try to give those with disabilities the best possible quality of life that they can, but some would argue that it is a waste of money or that the disabled people will never have a truly good quality of life in comparison to regular people, what do you think about that?


These days its also possible to test if an unborn foetus will be born with certain mental illnesses, and many people choose to abort those children as they don't think the child will have a good quality of life, do you think that is a bad idea or a good idea?


What do you think should be done with mentally disabled people?


Lets talk about that.

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水  10:00~21:00

木  10:00~19:00

金  12:00~19:00

土  10:00~17:00

日  11:00~13:00


定休日 毎週月曜日 



9月29日(日) ~10月3日(木)

prospective teachers