今回のテーマは Bones 骨の名前です。
Femur : 大腿骨 / Hip : 股関節(片方の) / Knee Cap : 膝蓋骨 / Pelvis : 骨盤 / Rib Cage : 胸郭 / Shoulder Blade : 肩甲骨 / Skull : 頭蓋骨 / Spine : 脊椎骨 / Sternum : 胸骨 / Tooth : 歯
- Discussion Week 4 -
- Sunday the 24th of March
- The Senkakus -
Japan recently sent 12 coat guard ships to patrol the Senkaku islands.
China constantly warns Japan that the islands belong to them, and even Taiwan claims control over those islands.
Who do they really belong to?
China has even claimed that they belong to China since ancient times!
What do you think about those islands?
Are they important to Japan?
If China controls them, what could that mean for Japan?
If Taiwan controls them. what could that mean for Japan?
Lets talk about that
- Friday the 29th of March
- Immunization -
All around the world, there are people these days that don't immunize their children out of fear of adverse side effects.
Each and every time these so-called side effects have been called into question there has been no scientific or clinical proof that has connected vaccines to most of the side effects that anti-vaccination groups claim.
Things such as autism or other mental illnesses have been incorrectly connected to vaccination, and because of this, there have been outbreaks of (sometimes deadly) diseases that have not been a big problem for many years, purely because people believe something that has no scientific basis.
What is happening all over the world that is causing people to believe that these side effects could affect their children?
Why are people making the choice of allowing their children to stay vulnerable to horrible diseases?
Lets talk about that.
〜 Mark's English Storytelling 〜
Hello everyone!
Sorry I am late writing my stories! I have been quite busy recently!
Welcome to the new semester at 英!英!GO!!
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I hope you enjoy this week's story! Please leave a comment if you have questions about any vocabulary or grammar!!
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- I'm Hungry.
I looked in my backpack for my lunch, but I couldn't find it. I looked in the refrigerator at work, but my lunch wasn't there either. I was very hungry and it looked like I had forgotten to bring my lunch to work. I checked my wallet and I had ¥2000 with me, so I decided to buy some lunch at the convenience store.
I walked to the Family Mart near my workplace, and I looked at all of the different kinds of food they had available. I saw many kinds of rice ball, but the last time I ate rice balls it made me sick, so I didn't want any of those. I looked at the bread and there were so many choices! I decided to take an egg croissant, but I also wanted something to drink.
I walked towards the chilled drinks, and looked at the many different drinks. I didn't want juice and I didn't want a carbonated drink either, so I checked the different coffee and tea drinks. I ended up taking a small carton of milk coffee. I also wanted a snack for later in the afternoon, so I also took a big chocolate bar.
I walked to the register and placed the items on the counter, the shop assistant scanned the items and told me the total price "¥1999!" I paid for the food and drink, and took them back to my work with me. When I got back, I noticed I only had 10 minutes left of my lunch break!
I quickly ate the egg croissant and drank the milk coffee. After that I got ready to start working again and so I threw away my trash, and placed my big chocolate bar in the refrigerator. I worked for 4 hours, and after that, I wanted to eat my chocolate but....
今回のテーマはLight 光です。
いろんな種類がありますね。面白いのはFlashlight と Torch。どう違うの?と思いませんか?現代のイギリス英語ではどちらも同じ懐中電灯を意味します。ですが、アメリカ英語では懐中電灯はFlashlightのみ。Torchはあくまで本物の炎を使ったたいまつなんかを意味するとのことです。
イギリス英語 VS アメリカ英語で言い合いになったりするそうですよ♪
Fire / Chandelier / Light / L.E.D / Light bulb / Candle / Flashlight / Torch / Lamp / Sunlight
日 時:5月1日(日) 10:00頃〜15:00頃
集合場所:京都駅 or 現地
場 所:大津市和邇北浜 Supreme
費 用:約¥4000+交通費
持 物:レジャーシート・飲み物等
定 員:10名